Welcome to the Home of Waimea Coffee Farm

Hand Curated Specialty Coffee

Growing the world’s best coffee on a carbon neutral farm!

Read our story…

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Award Winning Coffee

  • 1st Coffee Farm in Waimea
  • 1st Harvest
  • 1st Place, Hawai’i District, 2021

Waimea Coffee Farm’s sweet tasting Hawaiian Blue coffee won 1st Place, Hawai’i District, in the 2021 Hawai’i Coffee Association (HCA) Statewide Cupping Competition.


Carbon Neutral Processing

  • Solar Powered
  • Blue Ion Battery Storage
  • H2 Fuel Cell Backup (coming soon)

Our coffee is hand picked, floated, pulped, fermented, washed, dried, and induction roasted in our US Patent-Pending Specialty Coffee Optimal Results Environment (S.C.O.R.E.) that runs entirely on solar energy with a soon to come green hydrogen fuel cell backup system.

Each pick is tracked at the nano-lot level from the moment it comes off the tree, so we can use quality data to inform farming and processing decisions.


Carbon Negative Farming

  • 1st Electric Tractor on Hawai’i Island!
  • Electric sprayer, mower & fork lift
  • No-Till Regenerative Agriculture

Using our integrated solar and hydrogen fuel-cell energy system to power our electric tractors and battery powered tools, Waimea Coffee Farm’s operations are zero-emission. Our careful soil management and farming practices allow for the natural carbon-sequestration of the orchard to make the farm carbon-negative.


What makes Waimea Coffee special?
The soil, the elevation, the climate, the terroir & TLC!


  • The first full harvest of this beautiful coffee won the top prize in its district in the 2021 Hawai’i Coffee Association cupping competition.
  • The trees are descended from an experimental hybrid of Guatemala Typica (Kona coffee) and Jamaican Blue Mountain varieties, a project of a University of Hawai’i professor over 30 years ago.
  • All farm operations are zero-emission and carbon-neutral.

Our Story

Where Waimea Coffee Farm began

In 2016, Waimea Coffee Farm’s founder, Dave Donald, found a single coffee tree growing in the backyard of his Waimea home.

The tree was only 2 feet tall and had been there for 25 years. When he asked why it was so small despite its age, the reply was because coffee doesn’t grow well in Waimea.

Hence the challenge!


Proof of concept

Dave began tending to the little tree. 

After 6 months, the tree had grown over 5 feet tall and flowered and fruited for the very first time in its 25 year life. Bursting with plump cherries, Dave harvested and brought them to an SCA certified training facility in Kona for grading, roasting, cupping and scoring.

The resulting coffee score surpassed the Specialty Coffee threshold to be designated as Specialty Coffee. The SCA score sheets stated that it presented a delicate flavor profile of hibiscus, vanilla, kabocha pumpkin, and sparkling brightness.  

Immediately, he knew he was on to something. 


Award Winning Quality

Dave planted 336 seeds (coffee beans) from the mother tree on what would become the 1st commercial coffee farm in the history of the Waimea region.

The 1st full harvest came in winter 2020/2021.

A sample from this harvest was entered into the Hawaii Coffee Association’s (HCA) Statewide Cupping Competition and won 1st Place in Hawai’i District.

This success gave rise to plans for expansion of the farm and construction of a full-scale carbon-neutral processing and induction roasting facility.

In February, 2023, Waimea Coffee Farm along with two Kona coffee farms represented the State of Hawai’i in the Hawai’i Department of Agriculture’s (HDOA) booth in the USA Pavilion at the world’s largest food expo, Gulfood 2023 in Dubai, UAE.


While there, we were visited by Ebraheem Al Ramadi, Star of the Netflix Series, Dubai Bling, who live blogged on his Instagram account of 600,000 followers.


Investor inquiries are welcome.